Solomou Garden Centre & Landscaping

Fresh pot herbs and salads

The company's most recent introduction in the market is fresh pot herbs and salads. The products are supplied to supermarkets and garden centres, sleeved or un-sleeved with labelling, barcoding and information how to take care of the product. Our clients have the option of own branding or to use our brand.

Solomou Nurserie's fresh pot herbs and salads can be grown and harvested from a planter-box on your window sill for continual cutting and use, out on the patio for easy kitchen access, or allowed to thrive by incorporating them into your herb and vegie garden. Available in around 15 different culinary flavours and aromas, they are selected for the home gardener/chef to enjoy convenient, high quality, home-grown herbs with a perpetual life.

Like all things good and healthy, fresh is best and herbs provide their best taste, aroma and therapeutic values when consumed fresh from the living plant.

Our pot herb and salad nursery aims to produce superior quality pot herbs every day. This means the best tasting pot herbs with the best possible home life produced with the minimum impact upon the environment. To achieve this we use a range of growing techniques which replicate each of the plant's favoured, natural growing conditions. We make use of natural pest controls to ensure the products are chemical-free.

The range includes Basil, Chive, Coriander, Parsley, Mint, Thyme, Sage, Lettuce, Iceberg, Lollo, Rocket, Sage, Chives, Rosmary. 


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